About Me

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Our Sailing Hideaway Blog and YouTube videos will remain active. Join the HideAways as we tell, through blog stories and videos, what life really is like on a small, 23' Com Pac sailboat. We'll show the joys, thrills and chills of the sailing life, but also what it takes to maintain a boat, trailer and truck. You are just as likely to learn how not to do something correctly as to do it right. That's important too! New! The Hideaways take to the road! Follow Traveling Hideaway: Winds of Wanderlust Transitioning from Sailing Hideaway to Traveling Hideaways as sailors learn to travel without heeling, well, not much, anyway. The Paint Wasters Society unlocks the art of paint squandering with sheer delight, free from the shackles of remorse or guilt. Trust me, a century down the line, nobody's going to bat an eyelash, so why not indulge in some paint splattering shenanigans today? Let's turn those pricey pigments into a canvas of laughter and joy.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Paint Wasters Society: Rediscovering Water Colors


Splashing Back to Water Colors

I’ve been away from water color for the better part of 15 years.  Lately, my wife has taken up the sport reminding me of the joys of transparent water color.   

The effort would be easier had I’d remembered that, while they are cousins, water colors and acrylics have different personalities. 

Most Survived 

In my water color days I acquired a startling number of paint in tubes of various sizes and expense. I hadn’t fully realized, to the glee of various suppliers, that all colors come from the primaries.  

Tubes were stored in a fishing tackle box and lost in a closet. Could they still be useable after all years?  Large tubes and small, most were reasonably soft to the squeeze, although, some of the smaller were rocks. 

Surgery was necessary and the rehydration mostly successful. "Professional" grade water color grade paper not so much.  At least, that’s my excuse.   

I've added hot melt glue lines to corral the colors 

As most artist do, I’d acquired several pallets as my need for space increased. I found the best one only after refurbishing the others. (Where did the drywall mud particles come from and why?)  

Paint soaked into the paper- No rescue

I practiced on substandard papers for a while. Frustration the only result.

Where was the sublime joy of color flowing from my brush in a perfect line, dab, or arch?  The effortless perfect stain on the paper – just enough - not too much.    What happened to the transparency you hear so much about?

Searching for answers I came across dozens my early paintings buried in the dregs of the Failure Box.

There's a keeper on the flip side

I’d just received two expensive sets of water color brushes at a low price. Eager to try them, I sacrificed one of my unhappy accident paintings to odd lines, circles and dabs.

What fun!  No pressure! No cost and no worries about failing. After all, the paintings were ready for trash bin anyway.  Occasionally, you may rescue a memory.


I read somewhere that paintings of any kind should be viewed from six feet away and hung at standing height.   In my case, twenty feet seems to work pretty well.  Or at least in a darkened room during a lightning storm.  

Sailboats On Beach- Original Water Color Paperweight

Sailboats On Beach- Original Water Color Paperweight
by SailingHideAway

                                       by SailingHideAway

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Art of Being Unprepared

We are approaching the sweaty, sticky days of summer. The cooling breezes of winter left with the snowbirds weeks ago. It's still a nasty hot morning, though the ant-under-a-magnifying-glass sensation doesn’t start until the sun clears the tree line. It's time for a quick sketching walk in the woods by the lake.


My sketch bag is an old cloth emergency first aid kit acquired from a drug store. It’s red with a large white cross on the front, double zippered with a handle, and my added belt clip.


It contains two sketchbooks. The larger, a gift, performs poorly with watercolors but is passable for ink, pencil, and charcoal. The other, smaller version is made for both. There’s also a watercolor field kit and old film container filled with extra water, an assortment of pencils, brushes, cut-up credit cards, paper towels… you know the rest.


People tend to make way for me when met on a trail. Seeing an old man with a red emergency kit with a big white cross on it, they tend to step aside, not wanting, I surmise, to be the one to apply first aid when the geezer stumbles and can’t get up. They are right – sketching is essential to my well-being, not to mention what’s left of my older right brain.


With my bag on my hip, I found a little wooden bridge among the pines and palms, arching over a creek leading to a small lake. I sat on a nearby warped wood bench, the one with short, uneven legs buried in the sand. I opened my kit to find only one sketchbook and one indelible ink pen. No sanity saving erasable pencil. Forgetting to check my bag ruined the entire known universe!


But it didn’t.


Instead, it freed me to make mistakes. After all, I’d already made the creation of good art unlikely. With no expectations, I had a great time.


 Isn’t that what it’s all about?

The Paint Wasters Society of Dog Moon Bay 

White Rose Heart Paperweight
White Rose Heart Paperweight
by MACmedia

A Sailing Hideaway Zazzle Store

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Of Strawberries and Butterflies


 From the Traveling Hideaways- Tales of Our Trails Blog

                                                              Black Plastic Netting

Our elevated strawberry patch has become a haven for strawberry enthusiasts of both wing and paw varieties. To deter unwanted visitors we draped half-inch soft black plastic webbing, supported by bamboo stalks with their small branches still attached to admit only honey bees for pollination.


We Didn't Expect the Butterflies


During a recent stroll by the patch, I observed six or eight butterflies frenetically fluttering around one of the nets attempting to rescue a trapped comrade. These native Florida butterflies have a two-inch wingspan with tan wings and colorful decoration. I do not recall their name, and my cameras were inside enjoying the air conditioning.


Without hesitation, I joined the rescue mission.


At first the butterflies wouldn't let me help, constantly getting in the way of my effort to untangle the flimsy net without injuring the victim. Encircled by the butterfly brigade, I sensed their determination, (is that possible?). Some briefly rested their heads on the trapped butterfly’s, perhaps offering silent comfort.


As the hot sun weakened the captive, hope dwindled. They wouldn't give up, those butterfly friends, so neither would I. My clumsy fingers fumbled over the net, frantic to find a solution. In a moment of frustration, I reached for my knife, only to drop it. Stooping to retrieve it, I inadvertently freed the entangled butterfly. A swarm of butterflies surrounded their freed companion, and as strength returned, they departed in a flurry of wings.


But they returned.


As I tore down the remaining nets, the butterflies reappeared, swirling around me for some time in a vibrant display of color and energy before departing once more.

Interpret this as you will, but there will be no more netting in our garden and I have a new appreciation of butterflies.  And, dare I say it? Some butterfly friends!

Lighthouse Spiral Staircase Poster
Lighthouse Spiral Staircase Poster
by SailingHideAway

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Jaguar Pick-Up Truck -The Latest News


Hot on the trail of a tow vehicle for our soon to be purchased travel trailer, we were checking out a lead at our local Jaguar store.  We didn’t know if there was such a truck, but if there were, a Jag pickup would be worth checking out. 

We sheepishly snuck our old land yacht into the lot and parked next to a large Land Rover.  Later we learned that the custom built Land Rover had a window sticker of $250,000. We were extra careful with our doors.

We entered a building full of white vehicles with their lights left on.  The ultra-modern building was staffed by people ultra-eager to please – coffee, tea, doughnut -Sir?

The show room contained eight Land Rovers and one gorgeous Ferrari two-seater sports car. No Jaguars in sight, let alone an RV tow vehicle.

I asked our assigned representative if he had a Jaguar pick ‘em up truck in stock.  His response was slow to develop, not knowing, I suppose, if I really had any money or if I did and was joking.  

He told us it was hard to get Jaguars to stock because they all are special order and production was nearly sold out.   Only that very morning he had taken orders for three, he declared.  Hard to imagine I know, but the entire line of Jaguars will be electric next year.  Get your 2024 order in soon.

We studied each other for a short while until he remembered that he did, indeed, have a “pick ‘em up truck” in the back lot.   Sure enough, surrounded by a Bentley Coupe, a Lamborghini, a new Corvette, and a Ford Shelby stood a custom Jaguar RV Tow Vehicle, cleverly disguised as black metallic Ford F150 Lariat.    

They hemmed, we hawed. They agreed to fix a few things. We agreed that our land yacht was a bit sorry after the 9,000 mile road trip last year.  It needed tires, only one of the power windows worked and if you drove it awhile it threw the code-$$$.  

Oddly, I haven’t found the button to uncloak the Jag, but you can hear him roar when the blower kicks in…..

                                                    Custom Jag RV Tow Vehicle- Cloaking on.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023


SV Hideaway all dressed up

In this latest attempt to steal, The scammers change their pitch.

Earlier scams were from one person, always out of state, and unable to see the HideAway but willing to make the purchase for a friend who lives near me.  The latest is an appeal to your softer side with health and work issues that prevents calling or actually seeing the the product. 

 There is no mention of the item they wish to "purchase".    And I see the bribe to remove the listing has increased from $100 to $500.  Inflation, I suppose.

This latest rendition leaves out the rather sticky "mover" whom I am supposed to pay with money supplied by either David or Lynda using my personal check.  (Ain't gonna happen, Bub!)  

These letters are templates.

The initial email was from "Lynda", but the response was from her good friend and accomplice, "David"

I've bolded the tells.

Thanks for your response. The first email was sent by my friend that helped me to make an inquiry since I am new to purchasing things online. Please note that I suffer from hearing loss so I primarily communicate via email and I will greatly appreciate your understanding of that.

Sadly, I am unable to meet with you before purchase because I work really long weeks, but I am fine with the price and condition as shown on the ad. I will issue you a check and arrange pickup after you receive the payment and it clears, so please let me know the following details as soon as possible.

Full name :
Physical Address (Only, not po box):
City, State, Zip:
Your cell Phone Number:
Deal Price:

As soon as this is provided, payment will be overnight to you through FedEx next day delivery and I will let you know the tracking number of the package. I will also add an additional $500 for keeping other buyers off till my check gets to you, also please delete the posting or mark as sold.
Thanks, and I hope we handle this in good faith while waiting to hearing from you    (?!)

If you have any doubt, just reply without providing personal information, but triple the "Deal Price" to see what happens. 

If you're Interested in purchasing

 the SV Hideaway I encourage you to check out our Sailing Hideaway YouTube channel to get a feel of how the boat sails and see the various upgrades and maintenance.     youtube.com/@SVHideAwaySailingHideAway

Please contact me if you have questions or would like to set an appointment to see the Hideaway in person. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Night On Moon Dog Bay


Dark Tropics original art by Matt M Maloy

The Sailing Hideaway crew had a long day of tall winds and strong waves.  In darkening waters, we needed to make port, and soon.

I recalled an old beach bar/grill just off the ICW in the back-waters of paradise on a forgotten spit of land. The recollection suggested that reaching it by sea was less perilous than navigating the neglected sand road, notorious for trapping vehicles during King Tides- effectively deterring all but the most dedicated patrons from visiting Moon Dog Spit.
Encouraged more by the tide than wind, the Hideaway glided to the maintenance deficient dock. Nudging a piling sent a dock rat scurrying, with great enthusiasm, along the old grey wood pier.
Under my sloppily dropped main and storm jib, deck work became a challenge that I sorely didn't need. I threw on a couple of springs and, side stepping a sleeping sailor whose right arm dangled off the finger pier as if shark fishing, made my way to the secret back door - the one with the “Keep Out” sign painted on it. The lock was broken. An obvious invitation. I did not resist.
The concrete block box of a building preceded building codes
And looked it. At first, the swayed roof appeared to be what you would find on an Irish cottage, but the 'thatch' was fallen palm fronds deposited by two palms planted too close to the faded yellow paint peeling building. The rest of the roof consisted of corrugated metal panels, most of which were in various stages of rusty decline with a few fasteners furtively holding them on to the rafters.
The structure hadn’t seen a paint brush in decades yet sported a variety of textures and colors, blues, orange, pink all once bright Florida Gaudy style, converted now to a mass of persistent peeling paint. Its street front consisted of a large picture window that had not been washed during this millennium. The faded sign advertised something about mooning a dog. The ominous entrance was surrounded by weathered wooden trim adjacent to haphazardly applied stucco. Loose fragments of stucco adorned the worn-out light blue courtyard floor featuring paintings of orange and green sea creatures. The uneven concrete floor shone from a puddle of viscus yellow liquid oozing from a moldy green pipe that curled around the side of the building into a pile of odorous debris. Unshielded from the sun, the patio courtyard provided a thirsty income stream for the establishment.

I pushed my shoulder

Against the grungy door, which popped open. I grabbed it to slow its speed. Spreading late afternoon sun into a dark bar is never a good idea. Glaring behind the bar the heavy-set Bar Keep wore a sullied green apron with pink flamingoes on it and a long faded discolored red muscle shirt. The kind with large holes to be inhabited by tattooed arms which real athletes might wear, but never would. Sweat beaded from his bald head spattering onto the abused wooden bar.
The Bar Keep gave an unfavorable look at my order of a large iced tea instead of my usual scotch. Neat. I’d given booze the boot a while ago, I started to explain….. He handed my iced tea wiping the sweat off the bar with what once was a white dish towel sometime in the last half century, more recently employed to clean iced tea glasses. He pointed towards the front patio to prevent a smelly, tea-drinking sailor from hanging out in his grill/bar.

A well-dressed customer…

As I walked towards the patio past a well-dressed customer sitting at a nearby table trying, unsuccessfully, to liberate his artificial silverware from the table’s cheap plastic cover with white and reddish orange squares. He’d be better off to leave them, I thought, remembering my greeting from the hairy, four footed dock hand I’d made a brief acquaintance with earlier.

I set my iced tea on the metal patio table…

The one that featured an open weaved lattice designed for spilling drinks on your pants in embarrassing places. You know the table, cheap, with chipped Fuchsia and Turquoise paint and three legs of various lengths. A bright yellow chair of similar construction and comfort leaned against the wall. An over flowing ash tray with a still burning cigarette addressed the edge of the table. I picked up the cig and took a long drag. Memories.

I didn’t mind the rejection …

I was, after all, there to conduct business with a new client. I was packing my 70D slung over my shoulder in a quick draw sling at my hip set to AV- RAW automatic high speed shooting with 256 gig extreme chip and a variable density filter. You never know who or what you will encounter in a place like this.

The iced tea didn’t last long…

I walked into the bar. At my questioning look, the Keep gestured towards the darker end of the bar to a large plastic palm tree with fronds lit with green Christmas lights, its trunk with yellow. The yellow ones were flashing. I walked down the narrow hall, devoid of substantial lighting, to find a few parts of the Head’s door attached to its frame by only the top hinge – The rest of the door was scattered on the floor, with one door chunk sticking through the wall. A disagreement on line position the most likely catalyst.

You can either clean a room or screw in a dim light bulb to hide its sins

This establishment chose the latter. The grimy walls of the Head were covered with tactless jokes, written in several languages, using a variety of writing instruments. None were engaging.

A small sink sat below a discolored mirror next to a long galvanized metal trough filled with ice cubes that screwed to the wall at an appropriate height. Two patrons attired in Yacht Club regalia stood facing the wall in animated conversation did not seem notice the trough was dripping on their boat shoes.

A much younger version of a man sat on a stool in a grey corner of the head. His garb consisted of the socially required filthy tee shirt, raggedy shorts and one flip flop. He looked like someone who did not pay close attention during high school. The Ice Trough Guard didn’t look up at my entrance, preferring instead to concentrate on his supper balancing on his lap.

My business completed, I made my way back to the faux art patio, breaking the remains of the door off its last hinge as I passed by.

I sat down, at my self-bailing table,

Stabilized by a crushed beer can and a piece of broken stucco. I relit the cig stub, a cough immediately ensued sending a smoke signal into the sky to remind me why I stopped that sin. I snubbed it out, spilling the overflowing ash tray through the open webbed lattice table on to my shorts. The darkening night my salvation from imagined new client disgrace.

My Client!

I glanced up from my crimes to find her shinning in all her bright glory! And she’d brought a friend, whom admittedly, was somewhat duller. The curse of forgetfulness left me without my tripod. I leaned against the decaying stucco wall and fired off 14 shots free hand, adjusting my variable density filter twice before they vanished like the foggy memory of a recent hurricane.

It was a good night at the Two Moon Saloon.

At the Two Moon Saloon on Moon Dog Bay Photo by Matt M Maloy

All rights reserved


Colorful Sailboats On Beach Desk Mat (Keyboard & Mouse)
Colorful Sailboats On Beach Desk Mat
by SailingHideAway
Imagine the feeling of being on a beach, the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Now imagine having that feeling every time you look at your desk

Friday, September 8, 2023

Scam the Scammers!


See Sailing Hideaway video "Selling Hideaway Oh No!

See our ad on Boat Trader search Com Pac 23 with the above photo

As most of you know, we selling our beloved Com Pac 23, the SV Hideaway.

We’ve sailed this course six times over four decades.   It’s never easy.

It should be a straight forward process:  

Remove all the stuff you kept on board because you might need it someday.

Build a shed to store it all in for use on the next boat.  

Take care of those annoying little projects you’ve been meaning to do, but haven’t, because you’d rather go sailing.

Fix whatever needs to be fixed.  (A day sailor never uses navigation lights, but a new owner will need them.)   

Paint what needs to be painted.

Clean what needs to be cleaned. 

Do it again.

Take some photos, make a video, place the advertisements.

Answer questions, show the boat, and fill out the paperwork.

Watch the new owner tow her away, wishing you didn’t sell it.


Enter the Internet!   Wow! Should be much better now!

We had our first response within hours of posting a listing. They offered to purchase the boat, sight unseen, at the full price.

What a great advertisement writer I must be!


Enter the Scammers:

These are the actual emails we have received and how we’ve handled them.

I’ve bolded the warning signs.


On Tue, Jul 4, 2023 at 2:38 PM   Mary

“I'm really interested in getting the boat for someone who stays around where you are. I live in Los Angele, California. We can start by looking at the present state and condition? I would also like to know your final price? and payment options too. I will be waiting to hear back from you.”   (There are 42 photos in the ad and 200 videos on our Sailing Hideaway YouTube channel.)

Jul 8, 2023, 5:32 AM

“Am okay with the price for $9500. I will be making the payment via Cashier Check which will clear in your Bank in a day or two and once you have cash at hand. I will have a mover come over for the pick up, If you are OK with this, Do reply back with your Full Name, and Home Address, City, State & post code. Phone number too”


ME    I’m preparing a “BILL OF SALE FOR A VESSEL” that requires the Name & Address of the Purchaser(s). Please send me the information as soon as possible. I’ll send the form to you via email as soon as I get that information.

Once you have signed the Bill of Sale & we receive the Cashier’s Check we can arrange for date & time of pick up.


Mary  “Received the details for the payment. Pls consider it sold. I will facilitate the cashiers check payment to you, So a client of mine will issue the cashier's check in the name provided and will have it mailed out to you. However, the pick up & mover's fee will be included in your payment as I have other 3 properties to be moved along with what I am buying from you. As soon as your bank clears the check, you'll make the pick up money payable to my mover, movers will arrange appropriate time for pick up at your location. Is that ok?”

ME  No. Our transaction is for the boat and trailer only. I do not want to be your agent to pay the mover. So, have the cashier's check made out for the agreed price.

 I am attaching the Bill of Sale that needs the Purchaser's Signature and Address before we can set up a date & time for pickup.  Please return it as soon as possible.

Then we will sign and date it only after the $9,500.00 is available in our account. Per our bank representative, that would be approximately 9-10 business days.

Mary  Thanks for the information.

ME  You did not return the bill of sale with your contact information.    We do not have a deal.   Do not send the check.  Goodbye. 


Here’s another

JOSH:   Are you the owner? What’s the present condition and the final asking price 

ME  Yes good9500 

 Great, all looks lovely. I can have a check sent out for it from the office soonest as i'm currently out of town training new company recruits.(Great – more scammers!) i'm having someone coordinate the picking of my stuff at storage and can have them send someone to come pick this up on my behalf. Let me have a name and address for the check, your phone number and the final price, and please do take down the ad. The pickup will be scheduled for after you receive your funds

**** Another would “pay” us $100 to “take down the ad”.  Yet another insisted we take it down. 


sailing hideaway cruising
SV Hideaway Off on a cruise


Thanks for the quick response about the tent am buying from you,
any way the price is OK by me but i will like you to know that payment
will be made by check.  If this mode of payment is OK by you.Kindly
send your information which you will like to receive the payment from
the post man, so that i can instruct my secretary to issue it

Name to be on  check.....
Address where check will be received by you:.......
Phone Number's such as Mobile, Land line and Office number:....
Asking Price.........

Never mind about the pick up, it will be after you must have cleared
the payment from your Bank Account.  Await your Quick Response so that
i can arrange for the payment immediately.

  Thanks and Get back

ME I didn’t bother to respond, but really, what tent? The email is a template.



Great!!! please consider it sold i am willing to pay your asking price because i need to buy it for my Dad asap, i have read through the advert ! and i'm totally satisfied with it, I'm presently out of town but I will  ask my secretary to mail out a certified bank check to you if that's okay and I will arrange for my mover to pick it  up once the check clears in your bank account.

Full Name:
Address:(NO P.O BOX because fedex don't deliver to PO BOX)
City: State: Zip:
Your cell Phone Number:
Last Asking Price:
 Boat name & model for Ref purpose

    Thanks and I hope we handle this in good faith while waiting to hearing from you    


ME:  You “hope” That you handle it in good faith?

Have you noticed that at the end of your email responses there are suggested replies?

The ones for Chad were:  “Nice try.”  “No, sorry” and “I sold it”. Even the algorithm picked up the scammer!



Chad - Nice try -- The answer is NO.   We DO NOT have a deal. 


 Do us all a favor: Tell the others in your office to quit responding to my ads.

sailboat trailer compac23
Magic Tilt Trailer- Sailing Hideaway Com Pac 23


Looking for the Scam

Maybe, since we’ve bought and sold boats before, we are better informed of the process, or, maybe, we just got lucky with our skepticism.

Like most things in life, a good outcome is dependent upon doing things the right the first time.

We first realized a problem when the buyer did not seem to be interested in the required documents.   Without a Bill of Sale, the boat and trailer cannot be licensed or resold.

 Even the most expensive cameras cannot see as well as the human eye. We thought it odd that a buyer would not want to inspect the boat in person or send trusted friend. The scammers appeared to be out of state.  We were concerned that once received, the boat would not be what the buyer expected.  

Concerns About the Mover.

 I required a Bill of Lading from one scammer and fortunately never heard back.    A Bill of Lading requires the mover to sign a statement that all was well with the boat when picked up. The liability for damages in shipment would be on the mover.  Agreeing to pay the mover out of the funds received would have made us partner to the scam and provided our bank information.   

Sailing Hideaway Vanity Faucet

SV Hideaway Vanity Faucet

Common Ground-

Each scammer used the same basic format. Buying the boat for someone else – Grand ole Dad was most popular.  None actually wrote the check. All used a “Mover” rather than a boat shipping company. None wanted to see the boat.  One scammer, Raymond, doesn’t know a tent from a sailboat. Another didn’t know the spelling of the town she lived in. All were traveling and have secretaries, or a client in one case (!) to write the check.  All had checks that includes funds for the seller to pay the mover. (Lights and sirens there!)  None of them would provide new owner names and contact information for the bill of sale. Not one of them paid attention in English class.  I’m not great a math – but this just doesn’t add up!


We know that a Cashier’s or Bank check is not a guarantee of secure payment.  All of the scammers expect the payment to be processed in a couple of days.   Our bank would only allow a few hundred dollars to be paid before the check cleared the out of state buyer’s bank, some 10 business days later. 

Care to guess when the “mover” would “accidently” come to pick up?  The seller could be pressured to write a personal check before the buyer’s check fully cleared.  What are the odds, do you suppose, that the cashier’s check is good?    The cost to ship a sailboat and trailer will be based on how gullible the scammer thinks you are, but certainly thousands of dollars.  

Remember, once you turn your boat over to the mover you will never see it or the mover again.  You’ll be out the full sales price plus the freight and your bank will probably want its advanced money back. 

Stay safe! 


White Sand Beach Desk Mat  (Front)

by SailingHideAway on Zazzle

Spruce up your computer desk with a photo to make you smile.

Create your own design by adding a photo and text! 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sailing Hideaway Photograph Featured on Fine Art America

 One of my fine art photos has been featured on Fine Art America!

How cool is that??

Sell Art Online


Sunday, June 11, 2023

Selling Hideaway - Compac 23 Oh No!


Cruising Sailing Hideaway

Our dock does not float. Therefore, we find ourselves leaping from a tall deck in a single bound or climbing Barnacle Dock Mountain.   Such sports are not listed in our plan under “Fun Things to Do in Retirement”.    

 Humans, we in particular, find the energy required to dock the Hideaway in a sea breeze with a cross wind takes more than our available supply.  Sailing is not the issue.

The addition of taller keel guides and 72” trailer guides have helped, in spite of this, the process of trailer sailing requires more effort than our seventh decade allows.  Trailer Day sailing the Hideaway is meant for younger souls.   

72" Trailer Guides on Sailing Hideaway
Sailing Hideaway 72" Trailer Guides

Preparing For the Sale

We have sailed the Hideaway these last three decades or so mostly as a cruising sailboat, but lately, as day sailor. When I emptied the storage spaces I found lockers filled with no longer used equipment.  The reasoning goes something like this; a cruising sailboat needs more gear than a day sailor, be that as it may, since you never know with the cruising urge will strike - its best to leave that gear on board.  The Hideaway is now sits better on her lines, ready for your new treasures.

New 18/2 Marine Grade electrical cable

Rewired Mast

Only the running lights were preforming their duties.  The steaming and anchor lights have long failed to report.  An examination revealed bare and broken wires leading into the dark recesses of the mast.   Day sailing does not require these lights, however you will.

The mast wiring had not been updated since the original installation.  I acquired some Marine Grade  18/2 cable and connectors for the steaming and anchor lights. The old radio cable and antenna were removed.  I left the mounting bracket should you decide to add a marine radio. We have been using a borrowed hand held marine radio.   The steaming light suffered from a broken wire but was still functioning, however the lens was almost opaque. Fortunately, the original is still in production, so now you have a nice shiny new one.  The anchor light suffered from a broken wire but works with new wiring.  

Old and New Steaming Light


You can see the initial installation of the vanity on theSailing Hideaway YouTube channel.  Frankly, it was just put together for an upcoming cruise and never installed as a permanent fixture, if there is such a thing. The water pump did not live up to expectations, yet sufficed for the cruise and beyond.   V berths should not, in my opinion, house the head.  So I rebuild the vanity, changed the water supply to a bladder and rerouted the new water line.  This particular pump has to source water from the bottom of the tank in order to run efficiently. Apparently, I had not read the instructions all those years ago, but managed to keep the owner’s manual. I relocated the centrifuge pump. The repair meant removing the full OEM water tank and the empty 5 gallon Sanipottie. (The Sanipottie was the first item we replaced when we acquired the boat some decades ago.)  


The original set up was a direct manual pump overboard.  This required a minimum cruise of three miles offshore to legally empty.  Not surprisingly, this was our high on our urgent project list.  I plumbed the new 5 gallon Sanipotti for dockside pump out only. (I’ll leave it to you to ponder the name of the cruise.)

Sailing Hideaway cabin berths


With the addition of the vanity, the total number of berths was reduced by one.  The Hideaway, hull #2, does not have cabinets under the side decks.  The result is comfortable, wide berths in the main cabin.  I suppose, in theory, you could assign someone you don’t like so much the port head berth.  The cockpit is well designed for two and has become a favorite summer berth under the Bimini.   

12 volt Lithium Iron Phosphate battery Compare to Lead Acid battery behind

The House Battery

By now you have seen the video of replacing the lead acid 60lb house battery and its replacement with a Lithium Iron Phosphate 12v Battery  The new battery has 18 amp hours weighing in at about 5lbs and it has no acid.  It has suited us well for day sailing, however may not be suitable for a long cruise.

Sailing Hideaway History On Youtube  

There are about 200 videos on our Sailing Hideaway YouTube channel , most of which cover the last 14 years of Sailing Hideaway cruising, day sailing and maintenance projects.   You don’t need to watch them all, nonetheless, they will give you a history unavailable anywhere describing what it’s like to own and sail the Hideaway, Hull #2- Com pac 23.

Sailing Hideaway Main Cabin

A Word About Cabin Décor

The Hideaway does not suffer from wood cabinets that cover the hull-to-deck joint, nor does it worry about the cabin ceiling panels or water stains on wood paneling around the port lights. Slide out kitchen and sink – Not on the Hideaway! We prefer the safety of cooking on deck using our camping stove. The lack of these upgrades is a hidden advantage if you have to crawl under the cockpit for a repair. Yes, you will, eventually.  See my video on leak detection. 

We have been sailing for over 40 years, all in small boats of our own and on larger cruisers.  We always come back to the small.

 We want to continue sailing, but, the skinny waters, as we did, decades ago, on our Magic Pearl.  And while a Sea Pearl is unfortunately not for us, a small cabin sailboat would be welcome.

 If I could afford a wet slip or find a good mast up dry slip location you likely would not be reading this.


Includes boat, engine and 2020 Magic Tilt trailer w extender etc.

Leave a comment if you are interested 

Tampa Bay Area

Sailing Hideaway YouTube channel