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Our Sailing Hideaway Blog and YouTube videos will remain active. Join the HideAways as we tell, through blog stories and videos, what life really is like on a small, 23' Com Pac sailboat. We'll show the joys, thrills and chills of the sailing life, but also what it takes to maintain a boat, trailer and truck. You are just as likely to learn how not to do something correctly as to do it right. That's important too! New! The Hideaways take to the road! Follow Traveling Hideaway: Winds of Wanderlust Transitioning from Sailing Hideaway to Traveling Hideaways as sailors learn to travel without heeling, well, not much, anyway. The Paint Wasters Society unlocks the art of paint squandering with sheer delight, free from the shackles of remorse or guilt. Trust me, a century down the line, nobody's going to bat an eyelash, so why not indulge in some paint splattering shenanigans today? Let's turn those pricey pigments into a canvas of laughter and joy.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to Prepare for Your Dream Cruise

Well, the very first thing to do is grab your favorite writing tools and open your boat for inspection. That alone is enough to turn your teak gray.

The next step is to prioritize the list of stuff you need. That sounds hard but it’s pretty easy though if you use the Sailing Stuff Approach to Cruising. I’ve outlined the concept below with examples. Your results may vary.

Stuff That Left To Themselves Would Have a Bad Effect On The Cruise
Failing to pump out the head or pump up the trailer tires.

Stuff That Must Be Onboard
Trash bags preferably empty
Bottles of adult beverages preferably full

Stuff That Better Not Be On Board
Live critters being first
Dead critters and associated accessories next

Stuff That Must Be Purchased With Plastic
Well, maybe some duct tape judiciously applied might suffice for now.

Stuff That Can Be Bought With Paper or Bits of Metal
Unhealthy comfort food and the equipment to consume them

Stuff That Must Be Recharged
Talking Picture Recording Devices
Cell phone set on “Shut Up”

Stuff That Must Be Found
If something must be found it is therefore lost so you really must find the lost to be found.
Anybody seen my navigation tools? I’ve seem to have lost my way.

And remember: Part of the adventure is opening a can of something essential with a screw driver and a block of wood. Happy sailing!