In this time of great troubles we take solace in sailing on the HideAway. Our Youtube channel, Sailing HideAway, tells the story and captures spirit of sailing a small cruising boat in a close to real time format . Lately we've been making the videos much longer for our own sanity. Sorry to say this does increase the number of ads you will see. We are trying to use advertising to off set some of the sailing costs. "Liking" our video or leaving a comment improves our visibility in the great ocean of Youtube. Hope you enjoy this -- Cast off all lines, concerns and duties! It's time to sail the HideAway! SMALL BOATS ROCK!
You've been sailing all day. You pass the outer channel markers before you try to start the old outboard. The seventh pull produces a smoky cough, then silence.
You're pulling 4 knots on a rising tide with a weak wind both pushing the boat towards the sharp turn between the rocks into the marina. Your jib is wrapped on deck- the main partially down. The wind or the tide will surely push you on the rocks- It matters not which. What Now???
#sailinghideaway #outboardwon'tstart #gulfportflorida #svhideaway
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