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Our Sailing Hideaway Blog and YouTube videos will remain active. Join the HideAways as we tell, through blog stories and videos, what life really is like on a small, 23' Com Pac sailboat. We'll show the joys, thrills and chills of the sailing life, but also what it takes to maintain a boat, trailer and truck. You are just as likely to learn how not to do something correctly as to do it right. That's important too! New! The Hideaways take to the road! Follow Traveling Hideaway: Winds of Wanderlust Transitioning from Sailing Hideaway to Traveling Hideaways as sailors learn to travel without heeling, well, not much, anyway. The Paint Wasters Society unlocks the art of paint squandering with sheer delight, free from the shackles of remorse or guilt. Trust me, a century down the line, nobody's going to bat an eyelash, so why not indulge in some paint splattering shenanigans today? Let's turn those pricey pigments into a canvas of laughter and joy.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Stoned Sailing Squirrels et al - Sailing HideAway

Recently, I found myself in a small, backwater, coastal town 
down in Florida.  So remote was the place that most 
of the inhabitants spend their entire lives searching for it.   
Only a few are successful.  

Caladesi Island State Park, Dunedin, Fl 

My excuse was a wrong turn down a sandy, palm tree 

lined road, and you know the kind, where the grass 
grows in the middle and red headed lizards wait 
for prey in the soft, white sand tracks among the pines.

The voice of the Fish Hawk lead me towards a small marina
 hidden by thick mangroves, on a day so hot the plastic
 wood dock threatened to melt into ice cube trays to cool off. 
(You remember ice cube trays, I’m sure, right?).

After moments of searching I have found concrete proof 

of what happens to sailors who fail to sail often enough.
  The poor creatures are hard to find.  Now I know why.

There were no witnesses when I first saw the couple, out
 of the corner of my eye, sitting on the dock.  I wasn’t sure
 what my corner eye saw initially, except the couple
 were, in fact, contemplating climbing  aboard a nice
 blue sailing cruiser. They did not seem to move, 
at least not quickly.


The sailors, you must understand, had been too long 
ashore, lost their sea legs and much in the way 
galvanized steel turns to rust, they had turned to stone.
  Worse, they had become... Well - Squirrels.

SAILING HIDEAWAY Another Adventure Begins

 Don’t let this happen to you!  

Untie that boat! Raise her sails! 

Let your inner stone squirrel fly free!


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