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Our Sailing Hideaway Blog and YouTube videos will remain active. Join the HideAways as we tell, through blog stories and videos, what life really is like on a small, 23' Com Pac sailboat. We'll show the joys, thrills and chills of the sailing life, but also what it takes to maintain a boat, trailer and truck. You are just as likely to learn how not to do something correctly as to do it right. That's important too! New! The Hideaways take to the road! Follow Traveling Hideaway: Winds of Wanderlust Transitioning from Sailing Hideaway to Traveling Hideaways as sailors learn to travel without heeling, well, not much, anyway. The Paint Wasters Society unlocks the art of paint squandering with sheer delight, free from the shackles of remorse or guilt. Trust me, a century down the line, nobody's going to bat an eyelash, so why not indulge in some paint splattering shenanigans today? Let's turn those pricey pigments into a canvas of laughter and joy.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Paint Wasters Society: Rediscovering Water Colors


Splashing Back to Water Colors

I’ve been away from water color for the better part of 15 years.  Lately, my wife has taken up the sport reminding me of the joys of transparent water color.   

The effort would be easier had I’d remembered that, while they are cousins, water colors and acrylics have different personalities. 

Most Survived 

In my water color days I acquired a startling number of paint in tubes of various sizes and expense. I hadn’t fully realized, to the glee of various suppliers, that all colors come from the primaries.  

Tubes were stored in a fishing tackle box and lost in a closet. Could they still be useable after all years?  Large tubes and small, most were reasonably soft to the squeeze, although, some of the smaller were rocks. 

Surgery was necessary and the rehydration mostly successful. "Professional" grade water color grade paper not so much.  At least, that’s my excuse.   

I've added hot melt glue lines to corral the colors 

As most artist do, I’d acquired several pallets as my need for space increased. I found the best one only after refurbishing the others. (Where did the drywall mud particles come from and why?)  

Paint soaked into the paper- No rescue

I practiced on substandard papers for a while. Frustration the only result.

Where was the sublime joy of color flowing from my brush in a perfect line, dab, or arch?  The effortless perfect stain on the paper – just enough - not too much.    What happened to the transparency you hear so much about?

Searching for answers I came across dozens my early paintings buried in the dregs of the Failure Box.

There's a keeper on the flip side

I’d just received two expensive sets of water color brushes at a low price. Eager to try them, I sacrificed one of my unhappy accident paintings to odd lines, circles and dabs.

What fun!  No pressure! No cost and no worries about failing. After all, the paintings were ready for trash bin anyway.  Occasionally, you may rescue a memory.


I read somewhere that paintings of any kind should be viewed from six feet away and hung at standing height.   In my case, twenty feet seems to work pretty well.  Or at least in a darkened room during a lightning storm.  

Sailboats On Beach- Original Water Color Paperweight

Sailboats On Beach- Original Water Color Paperweight
by SailingHideAway

                                       by SailingHideAway

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